Awagarh Public School is CBSE Affiliated co-educational School run under the Seth Kishorilal Varshney Jankalyan Society since 2003. Awagarh Public School is a co-educational institution where students are given the opportunity to pursue their dreams. Our students are exposed to numerous activities and competitions which give them ample room to showcase their talents. Their special qualities and talents are honed to make each one of them stand apart from the rest. APS aims to create well-balanced, morally sound, intelligent and tech-smart who can boldly face all challenges of life and create a niche for themselves.
There is a Computer Labs with more than 50 Computers, well-equipped Science Labs for Physics, Chemistry and Biology to help our budding scientists quench their thirst for more scientific innovations. The school also has a modern, well-designed Maths Lab for students of Classes I to XII.
Vision and Mission
The aim of any good school should be to provide the best possible education to the students. This, therefore, is the aim of Awagarh Public School. Our primary aim is to develop in the student qualities of integrity, honesty, trust, tolerance and compassion, to promote a spirit of enquiry, to foster a scientific temperament within the bonds of humanism, to help the student, to become a meaningful part of his environment and to see that courage and industry have their due reward. The pursuit of excellence encouraged at APS rests on the positive belief that every man has it in him to produce work, the quality of which can be described as first class. Towards this end the school endeavors to provide an efficient and dedicated teaching staff with a wide range of skills and interests, enriched with the excitement of discovery, challenge and competitiveness and discipline based on the belief that responsibility comes before freedom.
Awagarh Public School, Awagarh aims to create 'whole' individuals who are well -balanced in their outlook on life & their personal understanding of themselves in relation to the world. Our aim is to instill in students problem solving attitude & develop in them the courage to meet the challenges of real life bravely. Our mission is to create Techno - Smart, multifaceted individuals who can take the right decision at the right time.